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Mirror Image

Mirror Image

Book One of the Mindvision Trilogy


Paul Steinberg


Romance, Paranormal and Supernatural, Fiction

Publish Date

April 19, 2018

Short Description

Mirror Image is the first of a trilogy where twins have the ability to see each other and many people that they come to know through an ability they call Awareness. They cannot communicate telepathically, but they can learn things using this talent. Their romantic interests are both helped and hindered by it.


The Winner

Book's Awards


Hope and Hart Wilson are twins. But beside the fact that they

share DNA and a penchant for a string of one-night stands, they

could hardly be less alike. Hart is an established business man

whose desire for success borders on cutthroat while Hope is still

trying to find her way in the world and spends most of her time

trying to keep her brother from making mistakes he will regret.

They have one more thing in common, a talent they call the

Awareness which allows them to see others even when those

people are not in the same room with them.

Things are about to change for both siblings. Hart will come to

realize that the woman he has had a string of on again off again

flings with, means more to him than he could ever expect. Hope

will meet a man who is far more than the tool she starts out with

when making her latest effort to curb her brother’s darker impulses.

Hope knows that her new man, Laurent, deserves to know her

deepest secrets. It is a lesson that Hart will struggle with as things

progress with college girlfriend Courtney.

Book Trailer

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Paul Steinberg

Paul Steinberg


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