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Marty and Lenny by Tania Woznicki

Marty and Lenny by Tania Woznicki



Children's Books

Publish Date

March 13, 2022

Short Description

Marty and Lenny is an encouraging story about the power of kindness.

Marty is a sweet, helpful monkey with lovely manners. Lenny is the complete opposite! He is a mean and selfish lion with bad manners and disgusting habits. After a memorable encounter with Lenny, Marty decides that things need to change. Join Marty as he makes a brave choice that changes EVERYTHING!


The Winner

Book's Awards


This is a fun children’s book that teaches kids good manners. It is humorous and well written in perfect rhyme. It has attractive images that will appeal to both young and older kids. But best of all, it enforces the golden rule: treat others as you would want to be treated. It shows children that it is important not just to have manners, but to be kind and thoughtful, too.


This is written by an experienced primary school teacher who knows her stuff. By reading this book, kids will learn to be considerate, polite, and kind. Funny and charming, Marty and Lenny is a wonderful book that your kiddo will be asking to read again and again! Highly recommended by Artisan Book Reviews.

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