Mars Madness
A light-hearted romantic space romp
Jodi Bowersox
Fiction, Action and Adventure, Humor Fiction, Romance, Science Fiction, Suspense
Publish Date
October 30, 2018
Short Description
It would only take a dream and several trillion dollars to create a resort on Mars. But at a billion dollars a ticket, it was a luxury that only the .01% could afford.
Until the Mars Madness Lottery.
For the price of a fifty dollar lottery ticket, even burger-flipping Joes and Janes could have a shot at a Mars adventure. Even hyper-organizational, germophobic, scaredy cat, fussy pants Katrina McKenna, who only bought a ticket at her daughter Frankie's insistence.
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Book's Awards
A Colorado Authors League Finalist and 2nd place Evvy Award Winner
It would only take a dream and several trillion dollars to create a resort on Mars. But at a billion dollars a ticket, it was a luxury that only the .01% could afford.
Until the Mars Madness Lottery.
For the price of a fifty dollar lottery ticket, even burger flipping Joes and Janes could have a shot at a Mars adventure. Even hyper-organizational, germophobic, scaredy cat, fussy pants Katrina McKenna, who only bought a ticket at her daughter Frankie's insistence.
With the addition of one ex-husband, two new flames, a love-sick robotic maid, a ten-year-old cybersecurity whiz, a reclusive scientist and his genetically modified horses on a Mars transport four football fields in length with all the amenities of a cruise ship---plus a labyrinth---madness is just to be expected.
"So unique! Somewhere between sci-fi lite and a sweet romance."
"suspense, romance, intrigue, and humor, all intertwined in a great futuristic read."
"clean, fresh, and entertaining with an unexpected ending."