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Making the Rounds

Making the Rounds

Defying Norms in Love and Medicine


Patricia Grayhall


Biography / Memoir

Publish Date

October 11, 2022

Short Description

Coming of age in the 1960s, Patricia's story is of a young woman striving to have both love and career as a lesbian and medical doctor when neither was approved by society. Making the Rounds is a fast-paced and deeply humanizing memoir of what it means to seek belonging and love--and to find them in the most surprising ways.


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Defying expectations of a woman growing up in Arizona in the 1960s, Patricia fled to the vibrant streets of San Francisco to come out as a lesbian after years to trying to be a "normal" girl. Her dream of becoming a doctor drew her back to college in Arizona and on to medical school in conservative Salt Lake City.


Though Patricia enjoyed a supportive friendship with a male colleague, she longed for an equal, loving relationship with a woman. But her graduate medical training in Boston with its emotional demands, long hours, social isolation, lack of sleep compounded by the free-wheeling sexual revolution of the 1970s complicated her love life. Often disappointed, but never defeated, Patricia, armed with wit and determination, battle on agains sex discrimination and homophobia, plunging into a life that was never boring and certainly never without passion.

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Patricia Grayhall

Patricia Grayhall


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