Made To Be Broken The Mystic Rampage Series Book 1
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Made To Be Broken

Made To Be Broken

The Mystic Rampage Series Book 1


Hugh Fritz


Action and Adventure, Fantasy, Paranormal and Supernatural

Publish Date

May 7, 2019

Short Description

A street gang discovers a family of Genies living in Chicago, sparking mayhem in the city.


The Winner

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Flarence knows that Genies are supposed to help their masters by granting wishes, but he’s never been comfortable taking orders. To him, pummeling bad guys with magically enhanced weaponry feels like a much better way to use his powers.Darren is a gangster who wants to leave his reckless life behind so he can focus on providing for his family. Unfortunately, there are people in the neighborhood who won’t let him move on.Soleil is a humble man who tries to lead a passive lifestyle. In times of peace or times of war, he can be found cleaning his cafe or singing along with rock-’n’-roll tunes while tending to his houseplants.Darren, Soleil, and Flarence will have to work together and step outside their comfort zones when a rogue Genie and a hot-headed police officer threaten the lives of their loved ones. Flarence will be challenged to work with a criminal, Soleil will be forced to leave his sanctuary and act to help his friends, and Darren will face the possibility that being a gentle and caring family man may not be an option for him.

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Hugh Fritz

Hugh Fritz


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