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Lies Lead to Death

Lies Lead to Death

Family of Killers Series


Stephen W Briggs


Fiction, Action and Adventure, Crime, Mystery, Thriller

Publish Date

August 18, 2022

Short Description

David Grant’s family is under attack, and they must protect their businesses from the Russian Mafia, CIA moles, and old business partners, all who want to expose their assassinations, weapon deals, and forgery business. They must find the moles and control the leaks before their business is exposed and dismantled.


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David wakes to find himself in the hold of a ship, tied to a chair. Igor, an old colleague of The Family, ambushes David in Venezuela. A new, ruthless Russian Mafia created by the fall of the Soviet Union has taken over parts of Igor’s business and Igor wants to bring David to them, hoping to win favor.

The Family’s CIA and U.S. Agency contact Peter, requests The Family for operations his government needs completed quietly, with no association to the work. Now with moles in his department releasing documents exposing The Family’s work, David and The Family must dispose of several rotten employees before their enemies use the information to destroy them and their business.

Now, many underground organizations see The Family as weak and vulnerable. Jobs awarded to The Family around the world are being interfered with by rivals stealing shipments of weapons, stopping assassination work, and taking people who can reveal years of The Family’s secrets.

The Family must go on the offensive to stop the onslaught of attacks from friends and foes while internally David and Phil argue with the older members of The Family on new techniques and technology needed to keep them all relevant.

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Stephen W Briggs

Stephen W Briggs


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