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Laugh Clown Laugh

Laugh Clown Laugh

Based on a true story


Penny N Haavig


Fiction, Historical, Psychological, Romance, Religious

Publish Date

November 21, 2018

Short Description

A colorful flight from mental instability to infinite peace. Violet Pearl Moretti begins her journey with ther family on the vaudevile stage. Her adventurous life spans four decades

through historical stops in New York. An eerie voice nips at her heels. Will she be able to flee from a mental breakdown?


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Violet Pearl Moretti hides her insecurities, grief and the scars of the past by dressing up on the Vaudeville stage of Brooklyn, New York. An invisible mask covers the anguish in her heart. Violet Pearl Moretti yearns to be a ballerina, but her father wants her to star on the stages of Broadway. She's an outward success, but an inward failure. Mental issues from the past haunt her as she forges her way through four decades. An eerie voice tries to bring her into the depths of dispair. Will Violet escape a nervous breakdown?

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Penny N Haavig

Penny N Haavig


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