In Your Dreams
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In Your Dreams

In Your Dreams


Robert Sanborn


Fiction, Paranormal and Supernatural, Horror

Publish Date

July 25, 2020

Short Description

A dash of King ...

A sprinkle of Harkness ...

A touch of Koontz ...

All in one Suspenseful Bundle!


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The Winner

Book's Awards


They know his secret...

...they hide in the ether, waiting...

Halloween is coming. Henry Trank is running out of time...

In the dead of night, in the Witch City of Salem, Henry is stalked in his dreams by a secret society of immortals. They know things about his past that stretch back to the darkest times to ever happen within the city's limits. They won't stop until they get what they've come for.

Henry turns to the only soul in Salem he can trust (and just happens to be crazy about) Joanne, the beautiful green-eyed Witch and owner of the Cracked Cauldron coffee bar. Henry shows Joanne a horrifying video capture of his latest dream episode and the unwanted guest lurking almost unseen ... watching.

They waste no time. Joanne calls her friend and the leader of her coven, Wanda Heinze, a powerful Wicca practitioner, for help. Wanda knows more than either Henry or Joanne realize. And she sets them on a path to a time and place they never could have imagined.

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Robert Sanborn

Robert Sanborn


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