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k larsen


Fiction, Crime, Dark, Drama, Mystery, Suspense

Publish Date

November 20, 2016

Short Description

The next blockbuster thriller for those who loved Every Last Secret, Verity and The Wrong Family...
Everyone has skeletons. Everyone lies. The question is, which lies are harmless and which skeletons are meant to be bared?

In idyllic Brunswick, Maine, tragedy strikes, leaving one family struggling to stay together.
Seven-year-old Sophie Anderson vanished from a neighbors' front lawn in 2006 leaving the Anderson family reeling.
Helen, a mother who never gave up hope.
Sam, a father who couldn't cope.
Cora, the even-keeled sister, and Shane, the angry half-brother​ fought to maintain their family after losing Sophie.



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The Winner

Book's Awards


The next blockbuster thriller for those who loved Every Last Secret, Verity and The Wrong Family...
Everyone has skeletons. Everyone lies. The question is, which lies are harmless and which skeletons are meant to be bared?

In idyllic Brunswick, Maine, tragedy strikes, leaving one family struggling to stay together.
Seven-year-old Sophie Anderson vanished from a neighbors' front lawn in 2006 leaving the Anderson family reeling.
Helen, a mother who never gave up hope.
Sam, a father who couldn't cope.
Cora, the even-keeled sister, and Shane, the angry half-brother​ fought to maintain their family after losing Sophie.

Just when the Anderson's thought they had moved past Sophie's disappearance,
​​Cora finds Sophie shivering behind a dumpster in Portland, Maine 10 years later.
As Sophie integrates back into her family a series of dark revelations rear their ugly heads.

How well do you know your child, your spouse, your best friend or neighbor?
How far would you go to protect your family?
How many secrets could you keep before your world begins to crumble?
How far would you go to better your life?

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k larsen

k larsen


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