How much time does money cost meHow to take the next step in your life and to realize your potential
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How much time does money cost me

How much time does money cost me

How to take the next step in your life and to realize your potential


Yanai Sevilia


Nonfiction, Biography / Memoir, Business / Economics, Guide, How To

Publish Date

August 3, 2022

Short Description

Have you ever had the feeling that it is time to level up in your life and stop feeling like slaves? In this book you will find the secrets of being self-employed, the difference between being a business owner and a businessman, financial efficiency and more.


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Have you ever had the feeling that it is time to level up in your life and stop feeling like slaves? Do you feel that you want to run your finances correctly? To start your own successful business? Have you still not found the right way to do this?
Yanai Sevilla, a young man who started out as a hard-working employee and became a self-employed successful businessman, has written a guidebook on how to take the next step in your personal and professional life and to realize your potential.
Sevilla emphasizes the importance of time and how precious it is. He explains how to correctly plan your journey in order to make the most of your time so your soul can also be free and healthy. It turns out that a successful businessman chases after time, not money.
In this book you will find the secrets of being self-employed, the difference between being a business owner and a businessman, financial efficiency and more.
So… how much time does your money cost?

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Yanai Sevilia

Yanai Sevilia


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