Genna's FightWill She Be Able To Discover Her True Self & Get Her Son Back In Time
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Genna's Fight

Genna's Fight

Will She Be Able To Discover Her True Self & Get Her Son Back In Time


Sheldon D. Newton


Contemporary, Fiction, Suspense

Publish Date

June 8, 2016

Short Description

Literally kicked out of her home, and forced to leave her only son behind, Genna wanders in the dark alone not knowing where to go. She has been greatly abused and is fighting to keep her sanity. Can she overcome years of torture, years of hurt, and get her son back?


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The Winner

Book's Awards


"Genna's Fight is a moving story that is character-driven and that masterfully deals with the themes of violence, domestic abuse, and freedom. I enjoyed every bit of this story." 5 Star Editoria Review by Arya Fomonyuy for Readers Favorite


One woman's incredible journey to overcome abuse.


Literally kicked out of her home and forced to leave behind the life she has always known for years - and her only son, Samuel - Genna wanders in the dark alone, not knowing what to do or where to go. She enters a Woman's Shelter, where she struggles to regain her sanity after years of abuse, shame and rejection. From uncontrollable crying to nearly committing suicide, the pain at times becomes too unbearable. "The story of Genna's Fight is brazen and astonishing. it is superb because every theme and every moment is perfectly weaved together into a excellent novel.....Genna's Fight is incredibly addictive and will have its readers racing through it, frantically turning one page to another." (Milton Kelly)

Can Genna regain her sanity? Will she get her son back from her cruek villian of a husband - Tom? It all boils down to what a mther is prepared to do!

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Sheldon D. Newton

Sheldon D. Newton


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