Seth B. Kajang
Publish Date
June 7, 2020
Short Description
The New Series in the Motivation Bible Commentary (MBC) is devotional in nature. This means that while the biblical texts are studied in the original languages (Hebrew and Greek), the devotional nature of these commentaries helps the reader to understand and apply the Scripture in practical, meaningful ways without having to worry so much about complex theological issues.
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Book's Awards
The New Series in the Motivation Bible Commentary (MBC) is devotional in nature. This means that while the biblical texts are studied in the original languages (Hebrew and Greek), the devotional nature of these commentaries helps the reader to understand and apply the Scripture in practical, meaningful ways without having to worry so much about complex theological issues.
Excerpts from the Introduction
The book of Genesis is the book of discovery. Without the book of Genesis, we would not know anything about the origins of our world. Evolutionism and the Big Bang theory are inadequate to explain how the world came into being and the many complexities of the universe; the world, therefore, must be understood from the perspective of the Creator, the sovereign Lord over all things.... As you study this book, there are two important things you need constantly to keep in mind. First, the primary focus is theocentric; that is, God is the major character in the plot of the story of Genesis. He is actively involved in the world He created. He cares about the world, specifically the human race, and He is in charge of everything that takes place in His created universe. Second, there is an anthropomorphic focus; that is, humanity is the centerpiece of God’s creation. The story of Genesis is not only about God but also about humans—the people He created in the image and likeness of His divine essence. Humans respond to God in different ways and God keeps pursuing them to bring them into fellowship with Himself. Keep these two emphases in mind as you navigate the pages of this book, because every lesson revolves around God being the major character and human beings the secondary characters.
Excerpts from MBC Series Preface
The Bible is not a monologue for theological argumentation; neither is it an archive for historical research. The Bible is the inscripturated Word of God. It is ageless, immutable, trustworthy, incapable of being false or misleading, living, powerful, relevant, and applicable to every area of our lives. Put another way, the Bible is an architectural blueprint: a design for living which has practical application for every aspect of our lives. As Paul reminded his spiritual son, Timothy, “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work” (2 Tim. 3:16-17). The Bible is a compendium of timeless truths. It is the compass that guides us as we navigate life. It is with this understanding that each of the commentaries in the Motivation Bible Commentary (MBC) series is written.
The practical life lessons contained in each of the chapters of these commentaries are borne out of careful study of the biblical text in the original languages (mostly Hebrew and Greek) and, most importantly, through careful meditation on the texts. In essence, these commentaries are devotional in nature. The approach adopted for these commentaries stems from the understanding that God’s Word is not only meant to be read and understood; it is meant to be applied to day-to-day life. As David declared in the Psalms, “Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” (Ps. 119:105). God’s Word is a light that shines on our path and delivers us from danger, dread, and destruction. The man or woman who cultivates the habit of consistent mediation on the Word of God finds its messages not only illuminating but also didactic.
Because God is sovereign, immutable, and trustworthy, His Word cannot fail. In other words, since God is incapable of committing sin or making mistakes, it logically follows that the Word He has given us is truthful, trustworthy, reliable, and relatable. An infallible God cannot be the author of a fallible book in the same way that a fallible God cannot be the author of an infallible book. The Bible is infallible because of the infallible nature of its Author...