From Dusk To Dawn In The Wild World
Dusk To Dawn
Grace Larson
Publish Date
July 1, 2022
Short Description
Mostly Non Fiction Short Stories. 3 are Fiction. Storiesabout ranch life, author's life, etc.
In Memory Of My Husband, Lyle “Bud” Larson
January 1, 1936 December 16, 2013
Loved One’s Return
Death is like Yesterday
gone but not forgotten,
Memories come by day,
or with my dreams at night,
Prayer brings light,
knowledge, and insight,
Brilliant is our mind
blessings abound,
The Lord is kind
My dreams are so real
waking me as I feel
the closeness
we once had
of this I am so glad
The happiest years of my life were spent with my Handsome Brown Eyed Man.
The title “Dusk To Dawn In The Wild World” is compliments of my granddaughter, Virginia
Belle Oellrich.
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Book's Awards
Stories about Wild Horses, Orphan Foals, Montana's Frontier, and many other short stories. Also old post cards and letters from the '50's when my uncles worked in Yellowstone Park and Alaska.