Divine MercyAn Amazing Journey
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Divine Mercy

Divine Mercy

An Amazing Journey


Steven A. Yagyagan


Biography / Memoir, Philosophy

Publish Date

March 17, 2013

Short Description

Inspired by real life events, The Divine Mercy: An Amazing Journey, is about Antonio Campanano, Jr. and his journey in faith.


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Inspired by real life events, The Divine Mercy: An Amazing Journey, is about Antonio Campanano, Jr. and his journey in faith. Moreover, his Divine Mercy experience during Catholic mass, as he conducted the choir, solidified his faith in God. He shares his journal from March 18, 2012 til today.

You'll be inspired how Antonio learns that all faiths have commonality versus the differences with which most of us focus. God teaches him about Joy, Peace, Love, Forgiveness and Trust by experiencing the highs and lows of life.

Regardless of your faith, or lack thereof, this book should not be judged by its cover. Read it, meditate over it, discuss it, share it and use it to heal your spirit, your soul, so you can continue in your special journey in life.

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Steven A. Yagyagan

Steven A. Yagyagan


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