Dinosaur Lake
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Dinosaur Lake

Dinosaur Lake


Kathryn Meyer Griffith


Fiction, Action and Adventure, Horror, Mystery, Science Fiction, Suspense

Publish Date

August 18, 2012

Short Description

Chief Park Ranger Henry Shore always wanted to see a real live dinosaur in the flesh, but when a particularly vicious, clever and huge specimen shows up in his usually tranquil park, he takes all that back. Now he has to find a way to destroy the creature before more park visitors are killed...and it won't be easy.


The Winner

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There's something monstrous in Crater Lake and Chief Park Ranger Henry Shore and his rangers need to find out what it is. Turns out it's a real live dinosaur and with the help of paleontologist Justin Maltin and a team of brave FBI agents - and a Deep Rover submersible- Henry tracks the creature down in the lake's underwater caves and finds a way to destroy it. 718 REVIEWS on Amazon 4.2 star average. Now a 6 book series! Dinosaur Lake VI: The Alien Connection is OUT!

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Kathryn Meyer Griffith

Kathryn Meyer Griffith


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