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Devine's Legacy

Devine's Legacy


Jennifer Hanning



Publish Date

January 12, 2014

Short Description

The lives of a dysfunctional, working class family are changed irrevocably when one of them comes into a fortune. A well guarded secret is exposed, and there is no turning back.


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Sudden wealth can be a blessing, but is often a curse. While a family struggles to make ends meet, Anna Faye, the matriarch, receives an unexpected inheritance from her first love, a man she has never been able to forget. More questions are raised about Anna Faye's past than she is prepared to answer. Who was this mystery man who left their mother and grandmother a million dollars? And what is her deep, dark secret?


Family members begin to show their true colours with expectations of her generosity, but Anna Faye has other ideas. Relationships are tested, some to breaking point, and love is found where least expected.


Anna Faye's new home, Luna Cottage, has its own past and ghostly secrets. But it is here that the family are forced to face the values that should matter most in life.

This is the story of a working class family's quest for love, happiness, and success.

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Jennifer Hanning

Jennifer Hanning


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