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Day Trip Destiny

Day Trip Destiny


BB Montgomery


Contemporary, Western, Romance, Fiction

Publish Date

April 26, 2018

Short Description


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Have you ever thought about going back into the past with an opportunity to change history? Jessica Mayfield is presented with that very dilemma when conducting research to add a new adventure for her day trip business lands her squarely in 1890 Arizona. She lost her husband in the war overseas and proceeded to pour herself into building her day tour company with no interest in finding love again. She never expected to find herself staring into the sky blue eyes of a real live cowboy. Caleb McCaslin, of the Lazy Mc Ranch, and Jessica’s challenges are many but ever constant on her mind is the fact that the Walnut Grove Dam on the Hassayampa River is two weeks away from failing. Death, destruction and pandemonium are ahead even if she decides to intervene. Will her growing love for Caleb alter her decision?

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BB Montgomery

BB Montgomery


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