Highway of Infinity
Fiction, Action and Adventure, Drama, Romance
Publish Date
December 29, 2020
Short Description
CHEYLA Highway of Infinity 'The Australian Outback Series' book 2
Rural Romance Drama Outback Australia
FICTION NOVEL: Australia is out there… The Outback Country is beckoning. He inherited great strength that five men would envy, but was daunted by the task ahead.
Book's Awards
CHEYLA Highway of Infinity 'The Australian Outback Series' book 2
Rural Romance Drama Outback Australia
Abandoned at birth in The Outback Country of Australia, to be raised within an Aboriginal Tribe by the only Mother he ever knew. Cheyla Stone overcame all obstacles of his youth to become a well-known identity in The Outback.A Wealthy Land Owner, and Cattle Man.‘Only the one thing he lacked was his true identity.’Torn between the securities of an empire he had built, and a burning desire eating away at him inside, Cheyla contemplated an endless journey that would take him into the unknown, and across the vastness of Australia. His only concern was if a few letters, and one only address, would suffice the search for his real Mother, and his roots. Facing reality in The Outback he embarks on a Highway of Infinity!
‘Will Cheyla prevail the harshness of his fate?