Chatroom Lovers
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Chatroom Lovers

Chatroom Lovers



Erotic, Romance, Fiction

Publish Date

December 31, 2019

Short Description

Christine Billingsley is a young, beautiful black woman torn between her career and her desires. She is also torn between two powerful men. She has caught the eye of Quentin Hamilton, CEO of the company where she has just started an internship. But she also enjoys the attention she receives from her sexy green-eyed supervisor, Neal Langston, an engineer by day and rancher by night.


The Winner

Book's Awards


Christine Billingsley is a young, beautiful black woman torn between her career and her desires. She is also torn between two powerful men. She has caught the eye of Quentin Hamilton, CEO of the company where she has just started an internship. But she also enjoys the attention she receives from her sexy green-eyed supervisor, Neal Langston, an engineer by day and rancher by night.

Later, she finds herself running the company with the sexy, green-eyed devil that she has tried to avoid for years. To distract her from the complicated relationship with Neal, Christine begins chatting with strangers on the internet. She finds one chatroom friend extremely interesting and begins chatting with him for hours at a time.

Christine continues to fight his attention, so Neal decides it is time to move on with his life. He wants to meet the woman he’s been chatting with on a regular basis. Things change when he and Christine go on an out-of-town business trip together. Their last night gets steamy, and they end up in bed after drinking and dancing. She runs away and decides that she wants to meet her online friend. Christine runs into the last person she expected to see at their designated meeting place, a coffee shop an hour from her house.

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