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Bottle Born Blues

Bottle Born Blues

Spoils of War Book 1


Conor H. Carton


Satire Fiction

Publish Date

November 1, 2019

Short Description

Shakbout Mansard is an artificial lifeform with some serious problems. He has stumbled on information about a plot to overthrow the government. He is being forced by a terrorist to steal the most important artifact in the inhabited systems. Time is running out on the secret he has been keeping for ten years, a secret that could mean the death of everyone in the inhabited systems. Now he must choose his life or everyone’s?


The Winner

Book's Awards


Shakbout Mansard is a bottle born free citizen of Theigler, one of the tiny minority of artificial lifeforms to be a free citizen. He has stumbled upon information about a plot to overthrow the Standing Committee that rules Theigler, information that is fatal to know. He has been forced to go undercover at election campaign for a bottle born political party and find himself being forced by a notorious terrorist to steal the most important artifact in the inhabited systems. This act would start a system wide conflict between the natural and the bottle born lifeforms.

The biggest problem he has is the secret he has been running from for ten years, time is running out on keeping the secret. The secret, if revealed, would lead to the death of everyone in the inhabited systems. With no time left or place to run to Shakbout finally must make a choice, his life or the lives of every lifeform in the inhabited systems.

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Conor H. Carton

Conor H. Carton


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