Black Child to Black WomanAn African-American Woman Coming-of-Age Story
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Black Child to Black Woman

Black Child to Black Woman

An African-American Woman Coming-of-Age Story


Cheryl Denise Bannerman


Fiction, Women, Drama, Urban

Publish Date

September 4, 2020

Short Description

In this raw coming-of-age story, Tara Walker faces the demons of her chaotic youth and emerges on the other side a strong, extraordinary black woman.


The Winner

Book's Awards


"If you are looking for a true, gritty story about life in its rawest form, then Black Child to Black Woman...will fit the bill." - Readers Favorite

When twenty-four-year-old Tara Walker goes home for her brother's funeral, she discovers the secret journal she started when she was eight. As she reads, she is pulled back into her complicated, raw, and often frightening childhood, where drug addiction, alcoholism and predators brought chaos into her privileged, middle-class home.


Through the love and guidance of her hard-working parents, Tara navigates these threats and matures into a smart, strong, young woman. Yet, even as she celebrates small personal victories, she spirals into a dark depression from disturbing family secrets and rejection. Through it all, she journals her changing perspective on the world around her and continues to smile in the face of adversity.


When it's time for Tara to become a mother herself, she must once again conquer her traumatic past to discover the true meaning of life, happiness, family and unconditional love. Tara's gripping, raw and illuminating coming-of-age journey will captivate readers as they watch this intelligent black child grow into an extraordinary black woman.

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Cheryl Denise Bannerman

Cheryl Denise Bannerman


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