Bargaining Power
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Bargaining Power

Bargaining Power



Fantasy, Action and Adventure, Thriller, Suspense, Paranormal and Supernatural

Publish Date

December 2, 2019

Short Description

A secretary is the only one who can save the king’s life and stop a beguiling demon-fairy-woman from destroying countless other lives.


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The Winner

Book's Awards


I will win.


My plan was to keep my head down, do my job, bring endless rounds of coffee to my genius boss. But see, I have this thing about bullies. Doesn’t matter who they are—evil fairies, ravenous demons, powerful traitors, or my own family. The moment they try to enslave my brothers, murder my king, and fold up my boss like a literal hand towel, they’re my enemies.

I don’t have magic. I don’t have power. I don’t even have much money. But as long as I have a brain and a will, there’s nothing I won’t do to save the people and the country I love.

So bring it on.

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