Ashes to EmbersRise of the Phoenix Book 1
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Ashes to Embers

Ashes to Embers

Rise of the Phoenix Book 1


Michelle Schad


Fiction, Fantasy

Publish Date

February 28, 2021

Short Description

Power burns in Reven Si’ahl’s veins. He sees snippets of a life unknown, hears a familiar voice he can’t place...

For five years Reven has existed as a bard and unwilling acquisitions specialist with two thieves, Liam and Ajana, who rescued him from the ashes of insanity. It’s a debt he’s determined to repay. When an urchin from a fallen empire joins their tenuous, sometimes volatile trio, however, all bets are off as Reven’s carefully crafted reality starts to crumble, sparking questions better left unanswered.

Kaleo Oenel knows his father survived the fall of the Phoenix Empire, despite the demons’ brutal attack of the tirsai people. Now, those same demons are charging into Kormaine, ready to crush the human-run nation. But his heart—and dreams—won’t let Kaleo rest until he finds his father.

Instead, he finds Reven—a drunken bard working with thieves. But Kaleo refuses to give up, settling into his new life, his presence seeming to disturb Reven whose ever increasing visions are rapidly shifting into terrifying nightmares of things to come—things they both lived through once before…


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Reven Si’ahl doesn’t know why Power burns in his veins. He sees snippets, like shattered memories, of a life unknown and hears a voice in his mind that tenderly calls him Beloved. For five years Reven has existed as a simple bard - and an unwilling acquisitions specialist- riding a thin line between glory and agonizing failure with Liam and Ajana, the two thieves who rescued him from the ashes of insanity. It is a debt he is determined to repay, a debt that keeps him from the peace and stability he finds in his music. However, when an urchin apprentice from a fallen empire joins their tenuous, sometimes volatile trio, Reven’s carefully learned and crafted reality starts coming apart piece by piece sparking questions that are better left unanswered.

Kaleo Oenel knows his father is alive. He knows what happened to the tirsai of the Phoenix Empire. Despite the demons of the Spell-Forged Crater pushing forward into Kormaine to tear apart the human-run nation as they did to the tirsai, Kaleo follows his heart – and his dreams – to find his father. Instead, he finds Reven Si’ahl, a drunk bard working with thief-takers that start to question Kaleo’s motives. As he settles in to a new life as an apprentice, his presence starts to unravel secrets that have been kept from Reven for five years. They are secrets that rock Reven’s world and turn his chaotic visions of a life unknown to terrifying nightmares of things to come – of things they’ve both lived through once before…

Five years have passed since the fall of the Phoenix Empire. The tirsai survivors are scattered, leaderless, and in desperate need of a miracle. As history begins to repeat itself, the ashes of pain are ripe for revolution - with Reven as the spark. If only he could remember…

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Michelle Schad

Michelle Schad


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