A Vine to PruneSpirit Wind Book 2
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A Vine to Prune

A Vine to Prune

Spirit Wind Book 2


Daniel Dydek


Fiction, Fantasy, Historical, Religious, Paranormal and Supernatural

Publish Date

October 3, 2023

Short Description

Thomas and Rae-Anna face their next challenge in the village of Aurden as five dark men threaten to seperate them forever.


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Mere weeks after leaving the convent, Rae-Anna and Thomas face their next challenge in the village of Aurden—on the surface, a pleasant community of people looking forward to their mayor’s upcoming wedding.

On the first night in town, however, Rae-Anna is threatened by five men, faces ghostly-white, bearing a strange symbol of a swirling star. Soon separated from both Mahmoud and Thomas, she finds temporary refuge and employment with the seamstress Tabitha. But when she sees the strange symbol in Tabitha’s shop as well, it seems she will have to face this new evil entirely alone.

Even the Sacred Fire is strangely silent as Rae-Anna works frantically to unravel the mystery, reunite with Thomas, and learn who in this strange village can be trusted.

Don’t miss the thrilling continuation of Rae-Anna’s supernatural journey in A Vine to Prune!

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Daniel Dydek

Daniel Dydek


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