A Scream That Shatters(Voice that Thunders #2)
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A Scream That Shatters

A Scream That Shatters

(Voice that Thunders #2)


Cully Mack


Fiction, Fantasy, Mythological, Action and Adventure, Romance, Teen and Young Adult

Publish Date

December 3, 2019

Short Description

Mirah has risen from the ashes of her slaughtered clan to become the greatest Elemental Wielder the immortals have ever known.

But the immortals craving her power are nothing compared to another darkness rising. Mirah calls it the Shadow – a defiling beast trapped in the other realm who bound her to itself.

A Scream That Shatters is the second novel in the Voice that Thunders epic fantasy series filled with explosive revelations and betrayals where romances bloom and others are severed.


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Mirah has risen from the ashes of her slaughtered clan to become the greatest Elemental Wielder the immortals have ever known.

But the immortals craving her power are nothing compared to another darkness rising. Mirah calls it the Shadow – a defiling beast trapped in the other realm who bound her to itself.

Her brother Gabe may be the Voice of Thunder destined to lead the war, but Mirah knows the Shadow is creeping closer and its reach is too powerful. She has seen the devastating lengths to which it will go, and it shattered her heart.

Mirah faces a profound choice: stay and fight for humanity’s freedom, and risk the Shadow’s wrath, or flee to protect the brother she loves.

A Scream That Shatters is the second novel in the Voice that Thunders epic fantasy series filled with explosive revelations and betrayals where romances bloom and others are severed.

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Cully Mack

Cully Mack


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