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A Path to Excellence

A Path to Excellence

The Blueprint to Achieving Your Greatest Potential


Tony Jeton Selimi


Nonfiction, Business / Economics, Self-Help, How To, Body / Mind and Spirit

Publish Date

July 28, 2022

Short Description

Thoroughly researched and brilliantly written, 'A Path to Excellence' is another masterpiece in the series of self-mastery books by Tony Jeton Selimi that explores what enables you to win the daily battles, become great at what you do and perform at the highest levels of personal and professional excellence. Empowering readers to go beyond perceived limits and face their doubts, excuses, fears, and feeling stuck and unproductive at home and work. Selimi truly breaks new ground in a volume that gives you the clarity, the hope, and the blueprint to clarify your vision of excellence and become extremely committed and resilient as you face the challenges of the eight transitional cycles of life.


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Path to Excellence is Tony Jeton Selimi s latest edition in the self-help and self-mastery books with a twist. Unlike everything else in the market, he aims to support you along the ever-evolving journey of positive development beyond oneself. Although reaching a vision of excellence is complex and requires patience, benefits those who want to succeed and live a prosperous, successful, and fulfilled life. With over thirty years of experience, Tony tackles the most prevalent problems that prevent you from growing into your full potential. He outlines the eight essential elements of human excellence and details how to apply them consistently and continuously to overcome frustrations, obstacles, and pains to climb greater heights. Perhaps most importantly, this book will help you see that you control your destiny through your choices, decisions, and your focused actions. You are the only one who can decide how much you want to enhance your mental, emotional, spiritual, family, relationship, social, career/business, and financial performance - this alone puts you in a position to direct the course of your life and excel. In a nutshell, this book is a blueprint to break barriers you’ll encounter going through the ever-evolving life cycles and improve yourself in every aspect of life.


It's also been a hit among critics, too, with one recently writing, "the principles of The Octagon Of Excellence™ will help you address every challenge mindfully, sharpen your focus, improve your mental readiness, control your distractions, and give you constructive feedback through collaboration, re-evaluation, and self-reflection."


Dr John Demartini, Human Behaviour Specialist, quotes, "Discover the mindset, principles, and steps to seamlessly marry the intangible tenets of individual excellence philosophy with practical, easy-to-consume strategies that can be implemented quickly and help any individual or organization transcend the status quo and grow to their fullest potential


Marie Diamond, Global Transformational Teacher, a star from The Secret, describes it as "A life manual that assists you in understanding how the Law of Attraction works, and it gives you valuable insights into the science of changing your mindset that will support you in achieving excellence."

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Tony Jeton Selimi

Tony Jeton Selimi


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