1 Corinthians
The greatest of these is love
Dr Andrew C S Koh
Education, How To, Nonfiction
Publish Date
August 22, 2021
Short Description
The first question Dr. Koh asks of us when entering this Bible Study is "Do you want to grow in the knowledge and grace of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ?" If your answer is yes then I think this is the study for you. I am not an authority on the study of the Bible but having read through this outline, I believe you will be on the path. 1 Corinthians is a Christ-centered, life-changing, Bible study guide and daily devotional guide for readers from all walks of life. Dr. Koh emphasizes that all Scripture is given by the inspiration of God, and all are given for us to learn and grow. The study is well written, broken down into units for each participant to review and learn from the word of God. I received this novel from StoryOrigin. This review is my honest opinion, Pamela Anne Reinert, Goodreads, 5 out of 5
A Great Read: A very inspiring book on the teaching of Apostle Paul. A clear explanation of each chapter for a good Bible study. Apostle Paul did not mince words but was very direct in his words. His great love for God is shown in these teachings. There are inspiring prayers too in each chapter. I found this book very informative and better understand these teachings. I am on the ARC team. I leave an honest review. I also recommend this book to other readers, Sharmani Jeyaram, Amazon, 5 out of 5
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The first question Dr. Koh asks of us when entering this Bible Study is "Do you want to grow in the knowledge and grace of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ?" If your answer is yes then I think this is the study for you. I am not an authority on the study of the Bible but having read through this outline, I believe you will be on the path. 1 Corinthians is a Christ-centered, life-changing, Bible study guide and daily devotional guide for readers from all walks of life. Dr. Koh emphasizes that all Scripture is given by the inspiration of God, and all are given for us to learn and grow. The study is well written, broken down into units for each participant to review and learn from the word of God. I received this novel from Story Origin. This review is my honest opinion, Pamela Anne Reinert, Goodreads, 5 out of 5
A Great Read:
A very inspiring book on the teaching of Apostle Paul. A clear explanation of each chapter for a good Bible study. Apostle Paul did not mince words but was very direct in his words. His great love for God is shown in these teachings. There are inspiring prayers too in each chapter. I found this book very informative and better understand these teachings. I am on the ARC team. I leave an honest review. I also recommend this book to other readers, Sharmani Jeyaram, Amazon, 5 out of 5 stars
Archbishop Ng Moon Hing, Anglican Archbishop of Southeast Asia
Many people, including Christians, are looking for a perfect church. Someone once said this aptly: 'If you find a perfect church, please do not join it; because once you join it, it will become imperfect.' Christians today are always very critical of their own church and leadership. They seem to think that the grass is greener next door. They are unconsciously hoping for a 'Garden of Eden' within their church. Unfortunately, some Christians resolve to leave their church, which is imperfect, and journey to the next church, which they think is better.
Apostle Paul has dealt with an imperfect church such as the Church in Corinth. There were full of problems and sins. Some of them "are not even named among the Gentiles". He did not mince his words when he reprimanded the Corinthian Christians, and even calling them carnal or immature. It was a church full of spiritual gifts but lack of 'agape' love. Never at any moment, Paul has hinted to the Corinthian Christians to leave and form another church, rather he urged them to trust God to overcome the difficulties and to bring about change - "Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ". The secret of this imitation is anchored in the embrace of the concept of the LOVE of Christ in all things, including the mind, heart, emotion, action, relationship, obedience, learning, personal living and ministry.
The author has rightly reminded his readers that Paul's firm affirmation and strong advocacy on 'living righteously and avoid reckless living' is the main pursuit for the Corinthian Christians.This is also true to us today, failing which our churches will only be left with the empty structure of yesteryears. The answer is not in the 'once for all' solution in getting rid of all problems, rather in the life-long process of sanctification i.e. becoming like Christ, until His coming again.