Nasreen Variyawa
About The Author
Author coach, editor, published author and ghostwriter Nasreen Variyawa has a little consultancy she manages from home in Turkey. She has helped 15 authors to publish 30 books and maintains that everyone is born with a best-selling story within. Anyone who chooses to share it contributes to better communities.
Her recent book, Exceptional Authors are AUTHENTIC has won two awards this year, the AAVEG Awards 2021 in India for best non-fiction book and the Daybreak Press Book Awards best non fiction self help book 2021 in the USA.
Nasreen has written three other best-sellers, Ignite the champion within and inspire others to begin (2018), Aspire to inspire: poems that elevate your speech (2019), Ignition:answer your calling (2018). She has co-written other books too, Coach wisdom: the secrets of 21 successful coaches and Rise: in pursuit of empowerment (2019), Phenomenal leader:musings of the Prophet (2020).