Cat Coluccio
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Cat Coluccio

About The Author

New Zealand based Cat Coluccio is a qualified Educator, Personal Trainer and Life Coach – and a champion of midlife women!


She is the host of the Rocking Midlife® Community and the Rocking Midlife® Podcast, as well as the author of a number of books, including 21 Hacks to ROCK your Midlife, and the soon to be released Your Midlife Side-Hustle!


If you're ready to embark on your own midlife reinvention or start your midlife side-hustle - check out the FREE resources available at Cat's website: as well as her books at AMAZON HERE.


You'll be inspired and challenged to create your purposeful life and legacy!



Cat Coluccio


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Short Stories by the Author

No Short Stories by the Author

Books by the Author

21 Hacks to ROCK your Midlife!
21 Hacks to ROCK your Life - the TEEN Edition!
21 Hacks to ROCK your Life!
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