Where Are We Tomorrow?
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Where Are We Tomorrow?

Where Are We Tomorrow?


Tavi Taylor Black


Fiction, Women

Publish Date

May 30, 2021

Short Description

In the world of Rock 'n' Roll touring, pregnancy is not an option. Four women working in a male-dominated industry bond together. When the pop star is injured, all eyes are on the female electrician. In a house in Tuscany, confessions are made, secrets are spilled. The guitar tech reveals a forbidden love. The personal assistant battles mental issues. Through arguements and accidents, combating drug use and religion, the women help each other look back on the choices they've made.


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Alex Evans, a thirty-six-year-old touring electrician, discovers through an accidental pregnancy and then the pain of miscarriage that she truly wants a family. But to attempt another pregnancy, she’ll have to change both her career and her relationship; her partner Connor, ten years her senior, isn’t prepared to become a father again.

When Alex is implicated in an accident involving the female pop star she works for, she and three other women on tour rent a house together in Tuscany. While the tour regroups, confessions are made, secrets are spilled: the guitar tech conceals a forbidden love, the production assistant’s ambition knows no limits, and the personal assistant battles mental issues.

Through arguments and accidents, combating drug use and religion, the women help each other look back on the choices they’ve made, eventually buoying each other, offering up strength to face tough decisions ahead.

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Tavi Taylor Black

Tavi Taylor Black


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