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Where's Joe

Where's Joe


Marie F Martin


Historical, Mystery

Publish Date

December 11, 2020

Short Description

Reba Bicknell's diving need to find Joe again leds her to a slummy tavern where a motorcycle gang cuts loose and hangs free. while watching to see if Joe arrives to join a group of riders, Reba wittness the kidnapping of a young girl and reports the crime. She becomes the number one suspect and the target of the real killer, a woman with a burning vendette who rides with the biker gang.


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The Winner

Book's Awards


In the aftermath of World War II, mothers suffered from the loss of there sons the best way they could.Some tried to ease their grief by holding their daughters on a leash so tight it became unbearable. Twenty-three-year-old Reba Bicknell has been smothered to the point of rebellion. She accepts a daring ride behind a stranger on a poeful motorcycle which leaves her with a driving need to find him again and ride facing the wind. Reba Bicknell's diving need to find Joe again leds her to a slummy tavern where a motorcycle gang cuts loose and hangs free. while watching to see if Joe arrives to join a group of riders, Reba wittness the kidnapping of a young girl and reports the crime. She becomes the number one suspect and the target of the real killer, a woman with a burning vendette who rides with the biker gang.

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Marie F Martin

Marie F Martin


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