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Ty "Turbo" Knight: Kid of the 22nd Century Book 3

Ty "Turbo" Knight: Kid of the 22nd Century Book 3

Alizia's Apology


Maxwell Hoffman


Fiction, Action and Adventure, Crime, Urban, Science Fiction, Mystery

Publish Date

November 30, 2024

Short Description

Alizia Matala is thinking of doing the unthinkable - a raid on the Dion Otenio Institute for Education, all because of Ty "Turbo" Knight was going to expose her corrupt ancestor - President Asher Matala of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. However, instead of causing the chaos Alizia had hoped for, everyone including her own brother would turn against her, forcing her to become humble in the process.


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Alizia Matala is thinking of doing the unthinkable - a raid on the Dion Otenio Institute for Education, all because of Ty "Turbo" Knight was going to expose her corrupt ancestor - President Asher Matala of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. However, instead of causing the chaos Alizia had hoped for, everyone including her own brother would turn against her, forcing her to become humble in the process.

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Maxwell Hoffman

Maxwell Hoffman


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