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The House on Cedar Ridge: 2

The House on Cedar Ridge: 2

Locke Manor


Pam Ackerson


Fiction, Action and Adventure, Historical, Science Fiction, Paranormal and Supernatural

Publish Date

October 10, 2022

Short Description

No peace could be found; the walls within harbored dangerous and frightening secrets

A mysterious ivory fan, a forced marriage, and a vengeful witch was among them threatened those who sought repose in the great house of Cedar Ridge.


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The Winner

Book's Awards


No peace could be found; the walls within harbored dangerous and frightening secrets

A mysterious ivory fan, a forced marriage, and a vengeful witch was among them threatened those who sought repose in the great house of Cedar Ridge. Danger and deception whispered along the corridors and hidden crevices. The sunlight upon the walls of the museum cast a deceiving appearance of serenity.

In the shadowed halls of Locke Manor, time weaves a tale of intrigue. A forced marriage binds unwilling souls, and a vengeful witch's curse echoes through the ages. Each artifact holds a story, each room a clandestine rendezvous. The museum's walls betray the facade of tranquility with their secrets.

The doors swing open and you're cordially invited to delve into the depths of a narrative rich with mystery and suspense.

The latest installment of Pamela Ackerson's time travel series unravels. With every turn of the page, Ackerson's masterful storytelling promises to transport you through the annals of time, ensuring that the saga of Cedar Ridge remains an unforgettable journey.

Embrace the adventure, and delve into the past as the story comes alive in your hands.
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Pam Ackerson

Pam Ackerson


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