Sailing South 'til the Butter Melts
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Sailing South 'til the Butter Melts

Sailing South 'til the Butter Melts


LeCain Smith


Fiction, Action and Adventure, Children's Books

Publish Date

June 15, 2021

Short Description

Most cats don’t dream about sailing around the world. Neither did Chowder. But

in the 1990’s, she somewhat reluctantly joined her caregivers, Captain Lee and

mate Sheila, on a voyage that lasted six years, covering over 45,000 miles while

visiting foreign lands and remote paradise islands.





The Winner

Book's Awards


Most cats don’t dream about sailing around the world. Neither did Chowder. But

in the 1990’s, she somewhat reluctantly joined her caregivers, Captain Lee and

mate Sheila, on a voyage that lasted six years, covering over 45,000 miles while

visiting foreign lands and remote paradise islands.

In this first of three books based on her true life sea adventure, Chowder

reveals how she left her home on land and got her sea legs onboard a fortythree

foot sailboat that Lee built. While they sailed down the west coast of the

Americas to the enchanted islands of the Galapagos, she shares how she handle

each experience and adapts to the variety of situations that occurred during her

first two year at sea.Her apprehension turns into a sense of curiosity and

wonder as she is transformed into a global sea cat by the challenges of rolling

seas, lightning, storms, sharks,wild jungle animals, and the dangers of pirates.

Yet, she also purrs about the pleasures of eating fresh fish and playing with birds

and encounters with dancing dolphins, spouting whales, and friendly folks from

many cultures. She loves to give the readers the inside scoop on life aboard a

cruising yacht. Come sail away with her!


Book Trailer

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LeCain Smith

LeCain Smith


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