Run, River, RunThe James Gang
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Run, River, Run

Run, River, Run

The James Gang


C. F. Francis


Fiction, Romance, Contemporary, Mystery, Suspense

Publish Date

June 1, 2021

Short Description

River has tried to live a quiet, solitary life since the age of fourteen when the rest of her family was butchered. Now someone is after her again.


The Winner

Book's Awards


As an adolescent, River Chandler escaped the serial killers who slaughtered her family. Her testimony put them in prison for the rest of their lives. With the memory of her family never far from her thoughts, she's built a solitary, but successful life - until terror once again targets her.

Seeking peace from the visions of the wounded he's cared for, Special Forces medic, Kevin Slawter is visiting friends on Sanibel. While spending some time on the water, he is helpless when he sees a woman attacked on the beach. His shouts chase the assailant away, but she refuses further assistance.

Determine to discover who is behind these acts, Kevin has to convince River to let him into her life. For a woman who has lost everyone she loves, she's determined to keep her distance.

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C. F. Francis

C. F. Francis


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