Red Willow's QuestA Native American Story filled with Action and Adventure
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Red Willow's Quest

Red Willow's Quest

A Native American Story filled with Action and Adventure


Heidi Skarie


Fiction, Historical

Publish Date

December 29, 2013

Short Description

A Native American woman's struggle to become a medicine woman.


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The Winner

Book's Awards


Spiritual adventure, physical adventure, love and honor fill this book and lead the reader into secret caves of mystical awareness. I loved the feeling that I was with Red Willow every step of her journey. I never wanted it to end!

Debbie Johnson, best-selling author of Think Yourself Loved

Can a young native American woman save her tribe from their enemies?

Defying her tribal elders, a spirited young Shoshone maiden sets off on horseback for a vision quest with her wolf-dog companion. She dreams of becoming a medicine woman.

Her solitude is ended when a Kootenai warrior, scouting the Sacred Mountains for an enemy war party, comes across Red Willow in the midst of her vision quest. Masheka assumes he will be her protector during the dangers to come, but soon finds out he has the companionship of a woman as strong and capable as he is.

Can they escape together and save her tribe or will Red Willow’s enemies kill her and everyone she loves?

Set in the Rocky Mountains in 1807, Red Willow’s Quest is a powerfully moving story about following your heart. It will transport you into a compelling Native American world during a time of turbulent change. Read it today and come along on Red Willow’s Quest!

Heidi Skarie . . . adds action, adventure and romance, bringing them all together into one powerful epic. I enjoyed Red Willow’s Quest from beginning to end.

The Bloomsbury Review

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Heidi Skarie

Heidi Skarie


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