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Ozzi's Boys

Ozzi's Boys



Fiction, Mystery

Publish Date

April 2, 2019

Short Description

Set in the early 1970's, imagine five young men as members of the Central Intelligence Agency's team of top lock and safe technicians who do both overt and covert operations... Intrigues and action between the CIA and FBI over a conflict between National Security and murder of an agent.


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Set in the early 1970's, imagine five young men as members of the Central Intelligence Agency's team of top lock and safe technicians who were hand picked by the director of NSC (National Security Council) and trained to do both overt and covert operations. One op reveals an object involved in the assassination of an FBI undercover agent, the involvement of an anarchist college professor, and exposes both the directors of the CIA and FBI to catch the killer, stop the professor's disruption and prevent a National Security upheaval. From the jungles of Cambodia to Washington DC, Indiana, Illinois, Bulgaria and the USSR - this story takes you on a whirlwind adventure in the lives of these five team members, known only as Ozzi's Boys.

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