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Keith's Inspirational Story Negotiating Cancer–Survive Revive Thrive

Keith's Inspirational Story Negotiating Cancer–Survive Revive Thrive


Maryla Mary Storm


Biography / Memoir, Nonfiction, Body / Mind and Spirit, Health and Fitness, How To, Science, Self-Help, Travel, Family and Relationships, Guide

Publish Date

September 6, 2022

Short Description

An Inspirational Story of Grit, Determination & Love

The Miracle Isn’t Surviving Cancer—The Miracle is Thriving While Fighting Cancer

For anyone facing impossible odds!


The Winner

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An Inspirational Story of Grit, Determination & Love

The Miracle Isn’t Surviving Cancer—The Miracle is Thriving While Fighting Cancer

In a world filled with blockbuster superhero movies and a new superhero TV show every week, it’s easy to forget that our real world is filled with heroes too.

Keith’s Inspirational Story Negotiating With Cancer —Survive, Revive, Thrive is a story about one of those real-life superheroes, Keith Storm. Keith’s superpower was incredible strength. He couldn’t lift a car with one arm or anything, but he had an unbreakable inner strength.

That strength not only allowed him to survive stage four colon cancer for eleven years, it also inspired and lifted everyone around him.

Any cancer diagnosis is frightening and life-altering. But most people with stage four colon cancer have just enough time to get their affairs in order before they pass on—if they’re lucky.

Keith not only battled cancer for eleven years, he did so with a resilience, humor, and grace that feels like it came from a movie script.

This memoir is lovingly written by Keith’s widow Maryla (Mary to her friends) Storm. She skillfully weaves the story of her and Keith’s lives together with Keith’s journal entries from his lengthy dogfight with cancer.

This is the perfect book for anyone who is facing impossible odds. It’s impossible to read this book and not feel empowered by Keith’s unbreakable spirit and desire to make everyone around him a little better.

Don’t Waste Another Moment. Get Your Copy of Keith’s Inspirational Story Negotiating With Cancer—Survive, Revive, Thrive Right Now!

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Maryla Mary Storm

Maryla Mary Storm


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