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Jane Blake: High Time

Jane Blake: High Time

book #3


Kelly Shade


Mystery, Thriller, Fiction, Crime

Publish Date

January 7, 2024

Short Description

Unveil the electrifying conclusion to the gripping Jane Blake trilogy with "Jane Blake: High Time," the thrilling finale! Prepare yourself for an epic showdown as Jane races against time to unravel the most deeply buried secrets of her past.


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Unveil the electrifying conclusion to the gripping Jane Blake trilogy with "Jane Blake: High Time," the thrilling finale! Prepare yourself for an epic showdown as Jane races against time to unravel the most deeply buried secrets of her past.

"Jane Blake: High Time" is the pulse-pounding third installment in the JANE BLAKE series, a fast-paced mystery/thriller saga filled with jaw-dropping twists, heart-pounding turns, and unrelenting suspense. Jane is a master of deception and mind games, but in this riveting conclusion, she'll encounter someone who challenges her like never before.

Jane will grapple with a series of devastating truths, embarking on a desperate flight for survival. She'll experience both loss and triumph in a relentless battle where the stakes have never been higher.

"Jane Blake: High Time" is an enthralling, heart-stopping addition to this gripping series, where the past and present collide in an electrifying blend of intrigue and suspense.
Join Jane as she confronts her inner demons and a host of formidable adversaries while racing against the clock to unearth the truth. This is a tale that will keep you perched on the edge of your seat, eagerly turning pages until the very last word

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Kelly Shade

Kelly Shade


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