I'll Just Be Down the Road
Angel Power
Publish Date
November 4, 2023
Short Description
From the first day of school, Geraldine Murphy believed Simon Spencer was her soulmate. When unexpected events separate them and her life moves on, she continues to have faith, someday, somehow, they would end up together. Then fate intervenes, and she reflects on eighty-six years of loving the same man, and wonders if the torch she has been carrying her entire life, will be in vain.

Book's Awards
Geraldine Murphy believed Simon Spencer was her soulmate from the first day of school. When unexpected events separate them and her life moves on, she continues to have faith that someday, somehow, they will end up together. Then fate intervenes, and she reflects on eighty-six years of loving the same man and wonders if the torch she has been carrying her entire life will be in vain.