FULL CIRCLE, Lucia's Story
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FULL CIRCLE, Lucia's Story

FULL CIRCLE, Lucia's Story


Robert J Saniscalchi


Drama, Fiction, Romance

Publish Date

August 18, 2022

Short Description

The main character, Lucia, who fights bad experiences and the despair that accompanies it.
Finally she begins a new journey with her family. She meets new people during this process to find peace.
A strong story with a fast moving plot.


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The Winner

Book's Awards


Robert's exciting new story is about faith, family and Lucia's struggle from the depths of darkness and despair. Find out what happens as Lucia and her family try to find peace and pray for a better life for themselves. The author brings us into the personal life of Lucia, the excitement and drama that unfolds on her journey. Things happen in life; does fate and luck come into play? Come along for the ride as Lucia starts a new life with her family and meet the new friends she finds along the way.

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Robert J Saniscalchi

Robert J Saniscalchi


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