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Fit Femme After 50: A Busy Woman's Guide To A STRONG, ATTRACTIVE, PAIN-FREE BODY

Fit Femme After 50: A Busy Woman's Guide To A STRONG, ATTRACTIVE, PAIN-FREE BODY


Douglas Setter


Nonfiction, Guide, Health and Fitness, How To, Self-Help

Publish Date

February 6, 2021

Short Description

Discover how these 5-minute exercises and mental changes can give you an energetic and attractive body at age 50 and beyond.


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The Winner

Book's Awards


Based on decades of fitness and health research and interviews with high-performing, active women, FIT FEMME: AFTER 50: A Busy Woman’s Guide to a Strong, Attractive, Pain-Free Body will guide the reader through:

• Mental reprogramming that helps push you past procrastination and whatever“ they,” say.
• Correcting muscle imbalances that impede you.
• Power nutrition to boost your endurance, strength, and cognitive abilities and reduce arthritic pain.
• Breathing methods that narrow your waistline.
• Detoxifying your body, mind, and life.
• Achieving deep, restorative sleep.

“For years, I suffered arthritis and bursitis pain in my shoulder, back and hip.

Since I joined your class, my body healed, the pain went away and I no longer need medication. Mr. Setter, thank you so much for the freedom of working out without pain and being able to wear a size 3 dress again.” Cora Lindop, Vancouver, B.C.

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Douglas Setter

Douglas Setter


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