Dear Celebrity - One Woman's Search for Love Among the Stars
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Dear Celebrity - One Woman's Search for Love Among the Stars

Dear Celebrity - One Woman's Search for Love Among the Stars


Traci E. Langston


Nonfiction, Family and Relationships, Humor

Publish Date

April 24, 2018

Short Description

What would happen if a woman wrote celebrities not asking for an autograph but for a relationship? What would happened if they wrote back? Well, they wrote, called and met. Read the funny, romantic and candid results.


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What would happen if a woman wrote celebrities not asking for an autograph but for a relationship? What would happened if they wrote back? Well, they wrote, called and met. Read the funny, romantic and candid results. Excerpt: "Then the fates smiled. The security man came out and yelled my name. I waved and he said, “You’re kidding.” I told him no and offered ID. He said “Come on. Walt wants to see you.” I left my friends and was led backstage. He told me Walt had been on the phone calling me when they told him I was there. I was led downstairs to a door. A brief image of crazed rock stars attacking fans for sex in their dressing rooms crossed my mind. I silently hoped that the security guard would stay outside the door. He knocked, opened the door, I walked in, the door closed and I was alone and face to face with Walt."

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Traci E. Langston

Traci E. Langston


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