23 Years, 23 Minutes, 13 Angels
The Veil Between Spirit and Reality
Kate Hyland
Paranormal and Supernatural, Religious
Publish Date
August 21, 2021
Short Description
We live simultaneously on three planes of existence—physical, mental, and spiritual, yet skeptics limit rational explanations of the paranormal to our bodily senses. The Western world seems to ignore the supernatural—while keeping it to the confines of fiction, literature, games, and movies.
We all dream, but what if your dreams seemed different? What if these dreams had the attributes of visions—giving you clarity and messages, and you immediately knew their meaning in your life? What if they were premonitions to prepare you for a terrible event to come, such as death? And what if some dreams enlightened you with knowledge and gave you hope for the future, even when you were battling cancer?
In 23 Years, 23 Minutes, 13 Angels, the author takes readers on her miraculous life journey—from a simple era, surrounded by loving grandparents, spanning a decade to where understanding goes beyond logic and reason. Call them what you will—visions, dreams, or even Divine Intervention. When the fragility of life revealed itself, numerology, visions, and spirituality guided her through challenging times of illness, loss, and healing.
Slow your world down and maintain a conscious appreciation for the meaning of life. Discover The Veil between Spirit and Reality and what makes a “Thin place”—and unearth what you may perceive as coincidences into truth where you can experience a spiritual breakthrough!
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Book's Awards
In February, 2016, I published my first book. This August, 2021, I published a post-publication revision to incorporate my best true stories and my best work!
When I decided to write, I was hoping my inspiration of faith would change lives. My single purpose!
Since then, a new study by European researchers found that near-death experiences (NDE's) are as common in people who are “not in imminent danger of death” as in those who “have experienced truly life-threatening situations” and occurred across all socio-economic levels, gender, ages, and nationalities. CTV News Television Network in Canada, Published June 28, 2019
In my book, I share my NDE's and "my coincidences." Have you ever felt an unseen hand guiding your footstep or ordaining your work? Maybe you too have mysteriously seen doors open and close? Have you felt Him direct you in service? When we walk in God's way, He places us right where we need to be at the precise moment we need to be there. If someone had once told me I would write about my most personal journey wth first hand knowledge, I would never have believed them!
As a cancer survivor who has experienced a fatal illness; experienced the shock and deepest grief of death; walked in Jesus's footsteps in Israel; walked the beaches and graves of Normandy; and breathed the death camps of Auschwitz-Birkenau in Poland. I've been so blessed to experience humanity in 70 countries, encountered visions, been shown timelines, experienced NDE's and miracles and have felt God's Divine direction.
I personally invite you to check out my FB website. When you visit it, I hope you read my reader's reviews and “Like" them. One step further, I'd be honoured if you are curious enough to spend your precious time to read my book. It would be totally amazing if my inspiration of faith also had the ability to change your life in believing we are where God wants us to be.