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1 Thessalonians, 2 Thessalonians, Philemon

1 Thessalonians, 2 Thessalonians, Philemon



Dr Andrew C S Koh


Education, How To, Nonfiction

Publish Date

July 8, 2021

Short Description



A great book to study the scriptures in the Bible and gain a better understanding of these lessons. It is a great daily devotional and study for all ages. Each lesson has a beautiful prayer. I am on the ARC team and I leave an honest review. I recommend this book to other readers, J Sharmani, Goodreads, and Bookbub, 5 out of 5 stars.


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A great book to study the scriptures in the Bible and gain a better understanding of these lessons. It is a great daily devotional and study for all ages. Each lesson has a beautiful prayer. I am on the ARC team and I leave an honest review. I recommend this book to other readers, J Sharmani, Goodreads, and Bookbub, 5 out of 5 stars.




Archbishop Ng Moon Hing,

Anglican Archbishop of West Malaysia


These few Epistles of Apostle Paul addressed the main issues of the churches of his time which is wrong teachings, unholy living, and suffering. He was very systematic and thorough in his teaching and witness. As much as he was firm on having correct theology and truth, he was also very conscious and persistent on the proper conduct and holy living of Christ's followers, the disciples of Christ. He believed that theology that does not lead to holy living and Christ-liked conduct is useless and worthless.

On one hand, he praised the belief of the Thessalonian Christians, especially in their 'work of faith, labour of love, and patience of hope' in the Lord Jesus Christ, he was also, at the same time, commending them of their imitation of the Lord Jesus Christ and became a model for all believers in Macedonia and Achaia. The author of this book has also emphasized that holy living and proper theology must always go hand in hand. The missing of any one part of the equation will only lead to an imbalanced life which will not please and not bring glory to God Almighty.

This book speaks of the plan of God at the end times where God's children will be taken up to meet Christ in the air before Christ's second return. In answering the concerns of the Thessalonian Christians, Apostle Paul is also telling us today that God has already considered and included all our pains, shortcomings, sufferings, disappointments, mistakes, failures, and rebellions into His master plan so that He can and has started a good work at His Will of a better future for us. This is clearly depicted in the life story of Onesimus. Paul reminded us that God has taken Onesimus' pain, sufferings, mistakes, and rebellions into His wonderful plan, which has eventually led him to become a fellow brother of Philemon instead of a run-away slave who deserved severe punishment.

The life of a true disciple of Christ is one who witnesses and points others to Jesus, lives an exemplified life of Christ and obeys the commandment of God with the joy, peace, and grace of God.



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Dr Andrew C S Koh

Dr Andrew C S Koh


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