The True Nature of energy
Transforming Anxiety into Tranquility
Diane Wing
Nonfiction, Self-Help, Body / Mind and Spirit
Publish Date
July 7, 2013
Short Description
The energies within and around you can be a major source of anxiety. Harness the power of energetic consciousness at your fingertips and create tranquility in your life.

Book's Awards
Gain a fresh perspective using the energies around you
Have you ever walked into a room and felt like you wanted to leave right away? Ever met a person for whom you had an instant dislike for no apparent reason? Been around certain people and suddenly feel exhausted? People, animals, situations, objects, and environments contain and give off energy.
The energies within and around you can be a major source of anxiety. To discover how to observe, interpret, and direct this abundant energy is to harness the power at your fingertips and create tranquility in your life. This book can guide you in that discovery. In The True Nature of Energy, you will:
* Improve your relationship with yourself and others
* Remove unnecessary emotions and see more objectively
* Attract the right people and circumstances
* Clear old, outmoded energies from your life
* Increase self-trust, self-esteem, and self-confidence
* Learn to sense and direct the energies around you
* Enhance your natural intuitive ability
* Find out your vibrational level by taking the Wing Vibrational Scale Quiz
* Learn simple techniques to fully take charge of your life and your destiny.