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The Legacy Commencement

The Legacy Commencement


R. A. Schwartz


Fiction, Teen and Young Adult, Children Books

Publish Date

June 2, 2019

Short Description

“Gabe conjected his Falcon Familiar, and Sterling conjected his Viper Familiar sending the wraiths that had been attacking Remi hiding in the corners of the room, hissing, and grumbling in an unfamiliar tongue.”


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“Gabe conjected his Falcon Familiar, and Sterling conjected his Viper Familiar sending the wraiths that had been attacking Remi hiding in the corners of the room, hissing, and grumbling in an unfamiliar tongue.”
Roman and Stefan grew up together. They became the best of friends.
This partnership makes them more than just right for each other. It stands them in good stead for the battle to come.
For Roman and Stefan live in a world of magic and monsters, demons and danger, wizards, and wonder.
Together, with their friends Lila, Stephen, Jamie and Daisy, they will find themselves at the Aesop’s Institute of Maxia, on the Nesoi Islands and in Texas!
For they are Exponentia Conjectuses… Spell Casters… and they are about to take their first steps on an incredible adventure.

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R. A. Schwartz

R. A. Schwartz


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