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I Love You to the Treetops by Angelina Gauthier

I Love You to the Treetops by Angelina Gauthier



Children's Books, Fiction

Publish Date

September 5, 2020

Short Description

♥ How far does your love reach? ♥

The kindness we share with our families is the first love we show. I Love You To The Treetops shares the vast, unconditional love between a parent, grandparent, or caregiver, and child.


From treetops to deserts, waterfalls, forests or savannahs, the love of a parent, grandparent, or caregiver to their child stretches to every inch of the world. Cherish the love you share, while your imaginations explore the world and universe in the process.


Treasure and celebrate kindness and love with the children in your life when you read I Love You To The Treetops.


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The Winner

Book's Awards


A parents’ love for their child is infinite, abundant and flows beyond all measure from their heart. I Love You to the Treetops by Angelina Gauthier is a sweet and heartwarming book that portrays that special kind of love that is given, shared and treasured! It is the perfect story to remind children just how much they are dearly loved.


From the steepest waterfall to the deepest ocean to the highest rainbow, this sweet and charming story explores the immeasurable and abounding lengths of one’s love for their child through beautiful scenes of nature and amazing illustrations! This book is guaranteed to fill its readers’ hearts with warmth and joy! I read this book to my own children and it has now become a requested favorite in our home!

The marvelous, lively and artistic illustrations are unique in color and style and so pleasing to look at. We enjoyed every beautiful picture that is so wonderfully and carefully detailed on each and every page. We were delighted and fully captivated by every new enchanting destination and journey the story took us on! It felt like we were truly there in that spectacular moment surrounded by every natural habitat! How extraordinary it was to see the excitement and wonder in my children’s eyes as we read the story and looked at all the wonderful scenes!


I Love You to the Treetops by Angelina Gauthier is a lovely imaginative story filled with adventure, inspiration and adoration! This unique and special book is so enjoyable and memorable. It filled our hearts with love and feelings of acceptance and security! This classic children’s picture book should be on every child’s bookshelf! I Love You to the Treetops by Angelina Gauthier is the most perfect and sweet story to read to your loved ones over and over again to remind them of just how much they are truly loved!

Book Trailer

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