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Hidden Doorways

Hidden Doorways


Liah S Thorley


Fiction, Action and Adventure, Historical, Science Fiction, Romance

Publish Date

August 6, 2016

Short Description

Time travel, adventure and romance, what more could a reader want?


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All Catherine wants is a happy home and contented life, but time is a playful thing.

To her family Catherine is lost in time, lost to her friends and lost to the 21st century. To her she is a Tudor woman with a new husband, a business to run and no memory of who she really is. But Catherine's life is about to change in more ways than she could ever have imagined. Half a millennium in her future is her father. Michael is a professor of physics, racked with guilt for accidentally sending Catherine back in time when she was only six years old. As he determines to find her, he unwittingly leads her through hidden doorways of time to passions and sorrows on the most unusual of adventures.

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Liah S Thorley

Liah S Thorley


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