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Gods Gift Woman

Gods Gift Woman


Freddie Floyd Jr


Teen and Young Adult, Women, Religious

Publish Date

February 2, 2023

Short Description

God’s Gift (Woman) is a non-fiction work in the inspirational genre. It is suitable for the general reading audience and was penned by Freddie Floyd Jr. The book is a spiritual reflection on the role of women in God’s plan for the human race, encouraging women to feel empowered by their faith in God and find their value in today’s society. Focusing on a positive message for women that reminds them that God intends for them to be loved and respected by their partners, the book sets a very clear mantra; do not settle for a partner who does not treat you the way God wants you to be treated.


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The Winner

Book's Awards


This book does an excellent job of articulating the argument for equality in relationships, taking apart the old-fashioned idea of women subjecting themselves to the men in their lives and instead highlighting that women are an equal part of the marriage equation. Freddie Floyd Jr.’s mission is to see that women in Christian marriages understand they are equal members of the team, people who deserve to be valued, and have as important a role in God’s plan as any man does. Through this book he achieves his goal, backing his arguments with scripture and coming from a place of power for every one of God’s children. God’s Gift (Woman) is a must-have book for women who feel that the relationships they’ve experienced have taken their power instead of enhancing it, and I recommend it to all readers interested in gender equality and scripture.

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Freddie Floyd Jr

Freddie Floyd Jr


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